Spinal Cord Stimulation Specialist

Spine Center and Orthopedic Rehabilitation of Englewood, PC

Pain Management & Physical Therapy located in Englewood, NJ

When you suffer from chronic pain and aren’t finding relief with other therapies, or want to avoid long-term drug use, consider spinal cord stimulation (SCC). The expert physicians and medical professionals at Spine Center and Orthopedic Rehabilitation of Englewood, PC, in Englewood, New Jersey, insert the spinal cord stimulator at one of their affiliated facilities, such as Hudson Crossing Surgery Center, Teaneck Surgical Center, and Englewood Hospital. Resolve pain, depression, limited mobility, and the other complications it creates with SCC. Call Spine Center and Orthopedic Rehabilitation of Englewood, PC, today or use the online form.

Spinal Cord Stimulation Q & A

What is spinal cord stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation (SCC) is a therapy that sends electrical pulses that block pain signals created by the nerves in your spinal cord. You may benefit from SCC if you have chronic pain from:

  • Neuropathy
  • Sciatica
  • Cancer
  • Other types of chronic pain

Your doctor may recommend SCC if the cause of your pain is damaged tissue that can’t be healed by other methods.

How does spinal cord stimulation work?

You feel pain when the nerves in and around an area of injury send signals to your brain alerting it to the damage. However, when the pain signals persist for 12 weeks or more after the initial injury, you have chronic pain that makes it difficult to get through your daily activities and can lead to depression and anxiety.

Spinal cord stimulation sends electrical pulses to the traumatized nerves to stop pain signals from reaching your brain. You can choose between two types of SCC signals: one completely stops pain and the other creates a pleasant sensation known as paresthesia. 

What happens when I get SCC?

Your physician first has you undergo a trial run to be sure you respond to the therapy. During the trial run, your doctor makes just one small incision on your lower back and uses X-ray guidance to implant thin electrodes in the epidural space in your spine. You’re numb but awake during the procedure, so you can let the doctor know when your pain is relieved. 

Your doctor attaches the electrodes to a generator, which you wear on a belt, outside your body. If your pain is reduced by at least half after your trial run, you’re ready for a permanent SCC.

Do I need surgery for a permanent SCC?

If your trial run went well, your doctor admits you to the hospital to surgically implant the SCC generator. Your physician makes a larger incision to remove the trial electrodes and replace them with permanent electrodes, which are sutured in place. They then make an incision near your buttocks, where they place the battery-powered generator. 

You’re awake during the procedure, which takes about 1-2 hours. The generator’s powered by either a rechargeable or removable battery. You have a remote control so you can control the degree of pain relief.

To find out if you’re a candidate for SCC, contact Spine Center and Orthopedic Rehabilitation of Englewood, PC, by phone or online form.