Pain in the shoulder suggests a shoulder injury. Shoulder injuries are more common in athletes who participate in sports such as swimming, tennis, pitching, and weightlifting. Chronic causes are most often due to the over usage or repetitive motion of the arms as well as arthritis. In addition to pain, shoulder injuries also cause stiffness, restricted movements, and difficulty in performing routine activities.
Shoulder pain can come from the shoulder joint itself or from any of the many surrounding muscles, ligaments, or tendons. Pain that arises from the joint is usually worsened or intensified with rigorous activities such as sports or outdoor hobbies or repetitive movement of the arm or shoulder.
Different diseases and conditions that affect the structures in the chest or abdomen, such as heart disease or gallbladder disease, can also cause shoulder pain. Pain that comes from a different structure is known as referred pain. Referred shoulder pain usually does not worsen with shoulder movement.

See a doctor if shoulder pain is accompanied by:
- Redness or swelling around the joint
- Tenderness or warmth around the joint
- A joint that looks deformed
- Inability to use the shoulder
- Intense, severe pain